Our Key Values

To get a better sense of what kind of organization we are, here is a brief description of our key values
and philosophy:


This is reflected by: 

- A regular release of very advanced products (included 1st world innovations), often becoming the main reference product on the dedicated market:

  • Cobra: best resolution column
  • i-FIB: plasma source column (1st world)
  • Taipan: unique correlative optical/FIB column
    (1st world)
  • NanoSpace: UHV FIB-SEM platform (1st world)

 - A constant evolution of product lines with new/updated versions, to provide to our customers the best choice: 

  • Cobra => Orage
  • OptiFIB => Viper => Taipan
  • Cobra ExB => Chroma ExB
  • MonoGIS => OptiGIS

 - A continuous investment in upstream R&D projects to maintain an excellence in the proposed products. This research strategy concerns the development and/or the integration of new sources (ECR, cold atoms source, …), the design of new column optics, the integration of FIB columns to other equipment categories (lasers, MBE, analytical systems, ...).


Sustainability is also something important for Orsay Physics. We are planning to integrate solar cell panels for our personal consumption at the end of 2023/ beginning of 2024. We are separating our waste: paper, cardboard, household waste, and hazardous waste, in accordance with current French legislation. Most of our staff live close to the company and we use remote working, which significantly limits the emission of C02. In addition, we installed charging stations to recharge the electric cars of the employees.

For the manufacturing itself, 70% of the mechanical parts are coming from French suppliers, 87% from European suppliers. For the wires and some elements of electronics, we have a supplier which is less than 15km from the company. In general, for electronics, we are around 50% with European suppliers. Finally, on the packaging, we are trying, as much as possible, to reuse the packaging of our customers and suppliers. During our process, we are not using water. In addition, we are not emitting any sounds outside.



While being part of world leaders, ORSAY PHYSICS works to be always aware to customer needs: understand and integrate their demands, applications, technical issues, scientific culture and particular requests. Our high interest in your requests leads to the development of fully customized products, the organization of adapted and reactive support departments, anticipation of forthcoming developments based on market and customer needs analysis.


It’s our on-going requirement to constantly improve our products regarding the innovation and their customization. Processes, in terms of design, production or customer relationships, are established to guarantee the best this reliability. Our prototypes, once finalized, move to an industrialization phase during which all components are revised and validated to ensure a reliable and reproducible manufacturing. Before any delivery, our products are tested according to the high expected level of specifications we impose ourselves, but also well beyond.


Because it is vital to combine the pleasant and the useful, we made this philosophy our way of being and working. We are very attached to quality of human relations, both inside ORSAY PHYSICS/TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING, and outside towards our customers, our academic or institutional partners such as our suppliers. Their feedbacks show that it is “our little bit of added” that makes the difference.



With nearly 30 years of experience and leadership in the charged optic’s particles field, and more particularly in Focused Ions Beams (FIB) columns and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) as well as associated equipments such as Gas Injection Systems (GIS), Secondary Electron Detectors (SED), ORSAY PHYSICS allows you to:

- Reach a wide panel of equipments to analyze and visualize materials at a nanometric scale, whether concerning instruments (columns FIB/SEM, GIS…) as well as fully integrated and modular UHV FIB-SEM systems.

- Acquire a customized product completely dedicated to your own needs or particular applications, designed in a powerful industrial logic (plug&play, automation, safety of use, reliability, compactness).

- Benefit from more than 30 experimented years in an advanced technology domain where the knowledge gathering, know-how, and industrial feedbacks are decisive.

- Obtain the services of a manufacturer specialized in UHV for more than 15 years.

- Exchange with a team of researchers and engineers, highly specialized, able to understand and integrate various scientific and/or industrial concerns to give the more suitable technological answer.

- Work with a medium-sized company which, while being available to every customer, has the strike force of an international group (TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING, 750 employees, sales & services localizations in USA, Asia and Europe).

- Appreciate the efficiency of our organization, methods and supports challenged with those of the worldwide Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) in the microelectronic field, and incessantly improved.

 Main figures
 Annual Turnover   10 to 13 million €
  Export   98% turnover
  Worldwide deployment   Europe - USA - Asia
  Employees (full-time equivalent)   90
  R&D investments  15 to 20% of the turnover
  Collaborative R&D Projects   3 to 6 / year
  Phd students   1 to 3 supervised / year
  Products in the world   > 1 200
  Facilities   2 200m² + 1 500m² in 2016
  On-site testing equipments   > 2.2 million €


Historical Overview